Barefoot Running Myths, Lies, and TRUTH #8 – Be Barefoot Everywhere

Once you’ve gotten the hang of barefoot walking or running or hiking, you should go everywhere and do everything barefoot. It’s only natural, right?

Sure, but so are uranium, hemlock, and cow poop 😉

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Watch the rest of the Barefoot Myths, Lies, and TRUTH video series here.

The content of this post does not constitute and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions or concerns you may have about your health or a medical condition.

3 thoughts on “Barefoot Running Myths, Lies, and TRUTH #8 – Be Barefoot Everywhere

  1. well, i have read 3 books on barefoot running, but you make a lot of sense in a very easy and nice, why not, way.
    in fact, reading ken bob’s book , where he, seasoned bare-footer, makes it on every rocky terrain and i, a novice, made it too, overdoing and injuring my right sesamoids on gravel.
    great video series. if i knew before…:)

  2. I have a question about running surfaces that you mentioned. My main thing is, asphalt, concrete, other hard, smooth, manmade surfaces with zero give, is that really “good” to run on all the time? Is there a more ideal surface to run on? I know barefoot running, in proper form would certainly minimize most jarring on the body, but I can’t help but feel like if you only run on asphalt, eventually it will wear on the body. Good for learning but maybe not for running on forever? But maybe I’m not giving my body enough credit for adapting? I’d love to know thoughts on this.

  3. The research shows that surfaces don’t “wear on the body,” BODIES used incorrectly wear on the body. What gives you shock absorbtion is using your muscles, ligaments, and tendons properly. Once you do that, no surface is a problem.

    Now, that said, it’s a lot of fun to mix up the surfaces so that your body can become more nimble and adaptable, rather than only working with one surface. Similarly, doing motions other than simply running forward are a big help. Mixing it up is best.

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